Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: extreme soft Yin. You are a woman descended from another era, a time that was gracious, beautiful, and filled with sweet radiance. These are qualities that are the keys to your persona.
Artistic, charming, and diplomatic, outer form is of enormous meaning to you.
Never content with a life that merely “functions”(that would be cruel, cold, and heartless existence for you), you seek instead to bring grace and loveliness to everything you touch. To you, the phrase, “Truth is Beauty; Beauty is Truth”, is no idle cliché. It defines your essence quite succinctly, for you are the epitome of a loving soul creatively expressed in a tangible form!
Because outer beauty is such a deep expression of love for you, you are forever striving to add those extra special touches that turn the ordinary into the sublime.
Hours spent searching for the perfect watercolor to hang in the reception area of your office are just as important to you as making sure the desk you sit behind doesn’t appear stark and impressionable.
If you’re hosting a dinner party, chances are you’ll expend enormous energy on things like place settings, flowers, and soft lighting. You’ll gladly search the entire city for those rare and exotic orchids that evoke images of a mysterious, faraway land, or dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to locating special gardenias with a heady fragrance. When you’re planning the menu for this party you’ll be coordinating color and texture in addition to taste. The added dimensions of your attention to the sensual elements of touch, taste, smell, and above all the look of things brings us much pleasure, and an invitation to one of your soirees is very much coveted!
You are a deep believer in setting the perfect mood for all situations. You recognize the effectiveness that providing the right atmosphere has on the rest of the world. Stepping into your office or home is like wandering into an oasis somehow set apart from the rest of the world. We are instantly and simultaneously seduced, calmed, and intoxicated the moment we set foot inside your door!
You instinctively understand the power that atmospheres, settings, and surroundings have because of your extreme Yin, emotional nature. In fact, it is this very nature that causes you to react instinctively and immediately to everything. You are that rare person who can walk into a room and instantly asses a situation simply by getting a “feel” for the place!
Words, explanations, and intellectual logic are always secondary to your innate experience of a situation, and you’ll choose experience as your guidepost of truth every time. (Please understand, it’s not that logic is unimportant to you; far from it! It’s simply that you will always check someone else’s ‘logical’ explanation against your instinctual barometer to see if it rings true!)
This innate sense of truth is a very important asset of yours and, once again, a key to your very identity. Because of your extreme Yin sensitivity, you posses extraordinary human empathy; so much so that you are able to get right “under another’s skin, “and are immediately in touch with the other person’s deepest motivations. You are therefore able to be enormously accommodating and sympathetic while still retaining your marvelously aware judgment. It often seems as if you are psychic, or have a kind of “inner crystal ball” that allows you a deep vision straight into another’s soul! It’s really your sweet sensitivity that gives you such exquisite insight into human actions.
Lest we categorize your Yin qualities as frivolous or superficial, let’s remember the extreme magnetic power that exist within you. We don’t describe your extreme Yin nature as “the irresistible force” without reason! You are capable of effecting enormous change in the world – when you remember that the power of the Yin is always indirect.
Steamrolling through outworn attitudes or attempting to knock down mountains won’t work for you. Direct attacks are never effective, since they are so contrary to your projected softness. However, while your Yang cousin might find herself beating her head against a brick wall time and time again when trying to accomplish some seemingly impossible task, a bit of your Romantic coaxing, coercing, and diplomatic charm can effortlessly surmount the insurmountable!
In no time at all, you’ll have adversaries who haven’t spoken to each other in decades reminiscing over old times. You’ll easily loosen the purse strings of the stingiest miser in town for your worthiest charity. Your artful interpretation of your client’s story will have the jury eating out of your hand.
Whatever you need, if you will simply trust the magnetic power of your appeal, you’ll find the world at your feet with very little effort. Let us come to you first, then you can accomplish whatever you desire.
Obviously, your Yin qualities are perfectly expressed in creative fields. Frequently you’re an artist, a poet, a designer, or highly visible in “people positions” in such areas as public relations and advertising. It’s just as easy to find Romantics in the corporate world, although you definitely need room to approach your work creatively. You won’t succeed in a large corporation if it deals with its employees coldly or impersonally. In this respect you are something of a “hothouse flower”, needing the warmth of a human environment to blossom into your full business potential. And the corporation that is farsighted enough to realize the importance of providing such an environment soon finds out how lucky it is to have you. Your wonderful way of dealing with people, both inside the company and outside (particularly in securing new clients) is quite easily apparent as soon as you have been given some creative space to work your wondrous charms!
Your inner essence is magnetic, charming, and totally enchanting, and your outer Yin physical attributes further your appeal to perfection! The lush curves of your body, combined with the delicate features and bone structure with which Nature blessed you create a very specific beauty that is ever so slightly old-fashioned yet utterly and completely lovely!
To express your extreme, soft Yin total essence, we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as: Dream spinner.
By seeking to express your extreme Yin in your appearance, we must remember your motto: Appeal is power! By never underestimating the strength of the magnetic Yin, we find the key to expressing it most clearly is through the use of softly flowing rounded shapes in all elements of your appearance, from head to toe.
Everything that goes into creating your look should take its cue from your enchanting inner essence and your voluptuous, outer physical form – from the softness of your beautifully coiffed hairstyle that wispily frames your face, to the Monet-like watercolor effect of your makeup, to the softly flowing, draped silhouette (with waist emphasis) of your clothing, to the delicate and lavish touch of your utterly feminine accessories.
The result? Your magnetism and appeal are clearly expressed in the most natural, seamless manner possible. Not only have you become the most stunning and striking woman you can be, you have also expressed your heart and soul in your appearance.
And indeed, my dear, enchanting, magnetic, inspiring Romantic friend, that is the very point of your metamorphosis! You are a spinner of wondrous dreams, entrancing everyone who ventures into your orbit.
You are the shining star atop a Christmas tree, a sparkling and refreshing garden party in June, or a softly glowing moonlit evening. When you are on display, with all your natural Romantic radiance clearly visible, the world is reminded of just how wonderful it is to be alive and how beautiful life can be. We deeply appreciate your artistry, for you inspire us to look inside to find the poetry that exists within each of our very souls!
Kibbe's prime Romantic celebrity- Marilyn Monroe
Romantic celebrities
Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Lang, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Simmons, Emma Samms, Arlene Dahl, Madonna, Bernadette Peters, Susan Saradon, Dollar Pardon, Gina Lollobrigida
Romantic celebrities
Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Lang, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Simmons, Emma Samms, Arlene Dahl, Madonna, Bernadette Peters, Susan Saradon, Dollar Pardon, Gina Lollobrigida
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