Flamboyant Gamine
Gamine with a Dramatic Undercurrent
Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: combination of opposites, extra Yang. Physically, you are Yang in shape (angular), Yin in size (your height). Both sides are important, but Yang is dominant.
Innately, you are Yang in energy (aggressive and dynamic), Yin in youthfulness (fresh). Here again, both sides are important, but Yang is dominant.
Always remember you are a Gamine first and foremost! Your Dramatic undercurrent should always be used in small doses to add a dash of extra zip to your appearance. It is not a substitution. It is an addition in order to express that extra bit of Yang that dominates your being.
To express your combination/extra Yang total essence, we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as: Sassy Chic.
The underlying theme for you appearance is: "Rules were made to be broken!" The cardinal guideline for you is completely and totally discard everything you've read or been taught that restricts you because you are "too short." You are not short, you are merely "not tall"- there is an enormous difference, my friend. Also, your spirit is most definitely larger than life, and it will trip you up royally if you ignore it by wearing "one long line of verticals," or any other such nonsense designed to perpetuate Gamine fashion slavery! It's easier for manufacturers to pretend that women under 5 feet 5 inches simply don't exist. Otherwise, they might have to change their outdated size-formulas and admit that real people aren't built like runway models.
Your overall silhouette is composed of Yang shapes: very angular and geometric, straight lines with sharp edges. Your important Yin secondary characteristics are expressed by working with broken and staccato lines and detail. Furthermore, you express your innate combination of opposites (your Yin/Yang balance) by wearing separate pieces of clothing (top and bottom) that are opposite in either shape of line. For example, a long, boxy jacket would be worn with a short, straight skirt (as opposed to a long, flowing skirt). On the other hand, a cropped bolero (again cut to the boxy side) might be worn with a long, pencil-slip skirt, with a slit up the back, that flares out ever so slightly at the hemline.
Just remember always to keep a foundation of clothing sculpted in an extremely close-fitting, body-skimming fashion. On top of this base, you will add irregular or asymmetrically shaped separates and accessories.
In addition to breaking up your line which creates a very animated and electric visual statement, you want to use an absolute profusion of angular detail.
Piping on jackets, contrasting trim on very sharp lapels, contrasting collars and barrel cuffs, and unusual neck pieces (either ties or avant-garde jewelry) are some good examples. Such detail can definitely be oversized, as long as the shapes are crisp and tailored (and even somewhat chunky).
Asymmetry is the key for your hairstyle. It can take nearly any form, depending on your type of hair-cropped short of the sides and back, but left long in the front; below the ear on one side, cropped up above the ear on the other; sweeping back in a tiered bevel-cut with the fullness all right above the nape of the neck. Whatever the exact style, your hair should always look quite au courant! Trendy cuts are actually quite elegant on you, but the key is getting your hair cut regularly. You don't do well when the shape is lost.
Your accessories are all irregular, angular, and to the chunky side-jewelry, shoes, and boxy handbags. Lots of color here, and the more attention-getting your accessories are, the better! Again, we are definitely accenting the detail to complete your head-to-toe appearance most electrically by emphasizing animation in your look.
This is the best way for the world to see your totally unique combination of wit, fire, zest, and spunk. We'd always like to see a hint of the bold adventurer, the free spirit, and the relisher of life in your appearance. Add to that a touch of spice and your always humorous outlook on life and we will all simply be putty in your hands.
Just remember never to hide your wild sense of humor. It is your singular, most powerful tool in all areas of your life. That priceless quality you possess of always being able to find the lighter side of any situation is the part of you that will always initially attract us. It is the key to your authority, your power, your sensuality, and your glamour-for it is the essence of joie de vivre at the center of your being we find absolutely irresistible. Please share it with us.
Flamboyant Gamine celebrities
Lisa Minnelli, Julie Harris, Natassia Kinski, Debbie Allen, Debra Winger, Tina Turner, Twiggy, Bonnie Franklin, Patti LuPone, Shari Belafonte
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