Gamine Physical Profile
NOTE: The following information should be taken as a broad outline of what makes a Gamine. It is the overall combination of a combination of opposites on the Yin/Yang scale (sharply delicate physicality along with a fresh and spicy essence) that creates this Image Identity category. Therefore, slight deviation here or there is always possible and should not be worried over if it does not upset your Yin/Yang balance.
5 feet 5 inches and under.
Bone Structure:
Narrow - sometimes described as delicate.
Square or tapered shoulders (tend to narrowness, as opposed to broad).
Delicately sharp facial contours (nose, jaw, cheekbones).
Hands and feet are moderate to small, and tend to narrowness.
Arms and legs tend to be long.
Body type:
Lithe and lean, tends toward sinewy musculature.
Tends toward flatness in bust and hips (unless overweight).
May be very leggy (coltish).
Possibility of being slightly short-waisted.
Facial features:
Large eyes.
Moderate to thin lips (narrow or straight, as opposed to full).
Taut cheeks and flesh.
Any type is possible but frequently hair is fine and silky.
Any coloring is possible (warm or cool), but Gamines are usually distinct or vivid in coloration. Moderate-to-high-contrast coloring is often the case).
If overweight:
Excess weight tends to show up in the hip and waist areas:rarely does it appear above the waist. If a Gamine is extremely overweight, the body tends to square or stocky appearance, as opposed to curves.
A Gamine will not:
- Be over 5 feet 5 inches (and is usually even more petite).
- Have extremely large bone structure.
- Have prominent or exotic features (except for enormous eyes).
- Have large hands and feet.
- Have an hourglass figure, with a waspish waist and full bust and hips.
- Be symmetrical in body type or facial features.
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