Gamine with a Romantic undercurrent
Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: combination of opposites, extra Yin. Physically, you are Yin in size (petite) and shape (curvy flesh, rounded features), and slightly Yang in your bone structure (angular). Innately, you are strongly Yang in inner energy (your drive, charisma, and strength), with a
secondary Yin evident in your youthful freshness and bubbly charm.
Since Yin dominates your physicality and Yang dominates your essence, you must always remember to combine both elements in your appearance. The Yin is given slight precedence, with the Yang following at a very close second.
Always remember that you are a Gamine first and foremost! Your Romantic undercurrent should always be used in small doses to crisply soften the overall effect of your appearance. It is not a substitution. It is an addition in order to express that extra bit of Yin present in your being without losing your foundation of the combination of opposing energies that makes you a Gamine in the first place!
The cardinal rule here is for your to maintain the underlying balance that comes from working with both the Yin and Yang clearly in your appearance, and then by adding extra Yin touches through hair, makeup, and accessories. It's almost as if you were a banana split; the ice cream, fruit, and syrup that are the basis of the convection are your equal combination of Yin and Yang. The whipped cream, cherries, and nuts come from your extra dollop of Yin on top!
To express your combination/extra Yin total essence, we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as: Spitfire Chic.
Your silhouette is animated and staccato, composed of clean curves with sharply tailored nips and tucks at strategic edges. Your shapes are rounded (because of your extra dose of Yin), but they are crisp and formed, kept close to the body, as opposed to softly flowing. The sharp edges are always present through the shoulders, as well as tapering at the cuff, the collar, the waist, and the knee, and in detail such as pleat, plackets, and lapels. (This comes from your Yang side). Likewise, it's always best to keep a well-defined waist.
Your accessories are kept lightweight and delicate, with crisply rounded shapes and ornate touches for animation. Lots and lots of detail in your look captures your electric energy perfectly! Clean lines and monochromatic color schemes are not for you! They are exceedingly boring on you and do nothing to express your vivacious nature. Multicolored splashes, particularly evident in trim (collars, cuffs, piping, buttons, waistbands, etc.) and jewelry (big bright beads; pop-art pins and earrings; etc.), are a direct visual way of showing your effervescent vitality.
An abundant use of prints is also very exciting on your. Be sure to keep the shapes rounded and circular, as well as crisp. Usually, color-contrast or outlined prints are most evocative of your inner animation. You are also one of the few ladies on earth who can effectively mix different prints together (if you wish).
While this is slightly busy on someone else, it is absolutely chic and elegant on you and captures your bubbling spirit in a most attractive manner.
Your hairstyle is best when the cut is asymmetrical in shape, with added layering or soft curls/waves. It should be short, sassy and soft at the same time.
Again, the shapes should be curved, rounded or soften in outline by lots of feathering. Sleek or geometric styles are not for you (unless you want to look tired and matronly).
Your makeup is taken primarily from the Yin side in terms of shape because you want to emphasize your eyes, apple-cheeks and bow lips. Please, no angular contouring in a mistaken attempt to "slenderize!" This will only give you a "dirty face" look, and end up very stark on you. Choose bold
and bright colors (as opposed to pastels), however, keep the overall effect crisp. Neutrals and minimal makeup simply are not lively enough on you, and they totally negate the vibrant effect your head-to-toe appearance should ultimately have.
This is the best way for the world to see your totally unique combination of sparkling charm and relentless energy. You want to show us just a bit of your vivacious coquette without upsetting the basic foundation of the spicy firecracker that you also are! Just remember to let the extra overtly feminine touches
pop up here and there in your appearance, particularly in your accessories. Also, be sure to express bits of your devilish humor, which you must gleefully add in small doses, almost as an afterthought.
The cardinal rule here is for your to maintain the underlying balance that comes from working with both the Yin and Yang clearly in your appearance, and then by adding extra Yin touches through hair, makeup, and accessories. It's almost as if you were a banana split; the ice cream, fruit, and syrup that are the basis of the convection are your equal combination of Yin and Yang. The whipped cream, cherries, and nuts come from your extra dollop of Yin on top!
Your silhouette is animated and staccato, composed of clean curves with sharply tailored nips and tucks at strategic edges. Your shapes are rounded (because of your extra dose of Yin), but they are crisp and formed, kept close to the body, as opposed to softly flowing. The sharp edges are always present through the shoulders, as well as tapering at the cuff, the collar, the waist, and the knee, and in detail such as pleats, plackets, and lapels. (This comes from your Yang side). Likewise, it's always best to keep a well-defined waist.
Soft gamine celebrities
Bette Davis, Claudett Colbert, Judy Garland, Clara Bow, Susan Hayward, Debbie Reynolds, Betty White, Mary Martin, Victoria Principal, Linda Ronstadt
Your silhouette is animated and staccato, composed of clean curves with sharply tailored nips and tucks at strategic edges. Your shapes are rounded (because of your extra dose of Yin), but they are crisp and formed, kept close to the body, as opposed to softly flowing. The sharp edges are always present through the shoulders, as well as tapering at the cuff, the collar, the waist, and the knee, and in detail such as pleats, plackets, and lapels. (This comes from your Yang side). Likewise, it's always best to keep a well-defined waist.
Soft gamine celebrities
Bette Davis, Claudett Colbert, Judy Garland, Clara Bow, Susan Hayward, Debbie Reynolds, Betty White, Mary Martin, Victoria Principal, Linda Ronstadt
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