четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

Софт драматик: физический портрет


Dramatic with a Romantic undercurrent

NOTE: The following information should be taken as a broad outline of what makes a Soft Dramatic. It is the overall combination of bold Yang with a pronounced Yin undercurrent that creates this Image Identity category. Therefore, slight deviation here or there is always possible and should not be worried over if it does not upset your Yin/Yang balance of a bold, exotic physicality that is combined with a powerful sensual essence.

Moderate to tall, usually 5 feet 5 inches and over.

Body type:
Fleshy (unless ultra-thin), particularly through the bust and hip area. Usually have long legs and arms, which can become fleshy in the upper arm and thigh areas without exercise. Usually have moderate-sized waist, which can become thick.

Bone structure:
Large and angular. Long limbs, and large hands and feet (may be long or narrow, or wide). Facial bones are prominent or sharp (nose, cheekbones, jawline). If your bone sturcure is narrow (particularly the shoulders, hands, feet, wrists, or angles), you may think of yourself as delicate. This is not true, for the exteme length offsets the narrowness.

Facial features:
Full, lush, sensual, and exotic. Large eyes, full lips, fleshy cheeks.

Extreme textures. Coarse and wavy, or fine and silky (wispy).

Any coloring is possible (warm or cool, high-contrast or blended), but a Soft Dramatic is usually distinct, either fair, rich or vivid.

If overweight:
Heaviness is seen at the fleshiest parts of the body; the bust, hips, waist, thighs, upper arms, and especially in the face.

A Soft Dramatic will not:
  • Have a boyish figure 
  • Have small hands and feet, or a delicate bone structure
  • Be overly petite, or small in stature, with short limbs
  • Have delicate or small facial features
  • Be symmetrical in body type or facial characteristics

Kibbe's prime Soft Dramatic celebrity- Sophia Loren

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