Soft Dramatic
Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: bold Yang with a pronounced Yin undercurrent. Physically, your bone structure is large and angular (Yang), but it is softened by a fleshy body type and full facial features, particularly evident in your large eyes, and full lips (Yin). Innately, you are bold, charismatic, and creative (Yang), while at the same time you are also sensual, charming, and receptively accommodating (Yin). Overall, Yang is definitely dominant; Yin is secondary. Both are present in your essence, and both must be visually expressed for your appearance to be accurate and exciting. Just make sure you keep them in proper order.
You will definitely want to read both the Dramatic and the Romantic sections of this book, and you will find yourself identifying at times with elements of each. However, please remember, you are not an equal combination of the two categories.
Always bear in mind that you are a Dramatic first and foremost! Your Romantic undercurrent should be used in small doses to soften the overall effect of your appearance in a sensual and glamour manner. It is not a substitution. It is an addition to express that extra bit of Yin present in your being.
To express your bold Yang/extra Yin total essence, we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as Diva Chic.
Your silhouette is bold and sweeping composed of strong geometric outlines that are softened by narrowly draped and flowing lines. Your accessories and detail are oversized and ultraornate. Shoulders should always be strong and broad, and there should be an emphasis on a strong vertical line, head-to-toe. A "T" silhouette is your most successful basic statement. An important addition to this outline is your use of lightweight fabrics. Heavyweights will be stiff and unbending on you, and when they are executed in the shapes you wear, they will completely overwhelm you and seem quite graceless.
On the other hand, draped jerseys, silks, challis, crepes, etc., will provide the softening that your secondary Yin streak demands. They also add a sensual touch to your appearance that provides subtle elegance. The draping is essential to expressing your inner qualities as well as complementing your body type. It is a must!
Detail should always be flamboyant, lavish, and oversized. Simplicity, understatement, and uncluttered edges are not terms that are applicable to you! While they are positive additions to someone else, on you they read dull, boring, dowdy, and extremely unsophisticated. Your elegance comes from a vivid expression of your extraordinary charisma and passion. Lapels are over-sized and soft. Necklines are extreme-the lows are plunging, the highs rise majestically. Cowls are superdraped, pleats are deep and soft, and slits are definitely noticeable! Also, any trim such as bows, ruffles, lace, or sparkly appliques should be dramatic, oversized, and enormously voluptuous. You are not the type for delicacy. Femininity on you is best expressed by the theatrical woman; sensual and ripely glamorous, executed with bold, innovative flair!
Likewise, your accessories, hair, and makeup must all provide the lavish edge your Yin/Yang balance requires to be completely fulfilled. Jewelry is absolutely your best friend! Here again, the emphasis goes to the bold, the oversized, and the ornate. Anything that sparkles, gleams, or shines works wonders for you!
That could be as simple as an oversized chunk of elegant metal or a brightly colored glass as an earring for a conservative daytime outfit-or, for evening fun, something as glamorous as an enormous color of faux jewels that drips with dazzle all across your breastbone. Basic shapes are large and chunky geometrics, with ornate workmanship, lavish execution, and added sparkle for pizzazz.
A word of caution in the jewelry department: This is another area where "tone-down" wont work in your favor! Even in the most conservative office environment imaginable, you've got to suggest a touch of glamour. Your Image Identity is so boldly expressed that you'll lose your sophistication without doing so. Without the proper accessories, you run the risk of looking as if you're wearing your older sister's clothing, without quite knowing how to pull it together! Accessories add the extra touches to provide the security and confidence in your appearance that says: "I know exactly who I am, and what I'm doing!" True, it's not exactly everyone else's look, but then, just remember, a diva is not a member of the chorus!
Hair and makeup must also fall in line with your accessories, both requiring a very polished and sophisticated look. Hair should be well-cared for, in a flamboyant coiffure or superstylized cut. A geometic outline is best, although it will require an elaborate set and a cloud of teasing within the shape for fullness and soft drama. Asymmetrical cuts can also work as long as there are no severe edges. The angles need softening with waves, which make perms and processing very effective on you, if necessary.
Makeup should emphasize strong eyes and cheeks, and luscious lips. Bold color choices give drama, while a watercolor blend of no sharp angles is the correct style. Avoid smoky colors, neutrals, and minimal makeup. They don't add enough polish to effectively complete your head-to-toe look. Instead of being subdued and elegant, they just look tired and ineffectual. As with your jewelry and detail, the proper use of hair and makeup will pull your appearance together and provide the extreme sophistication and confidence your image needs.
This is the best way for the world to see your arresting combination of strength, power, passion, and magnetic charm. The key to clearly expressing your total essence in your appearance is by focusing on your strength (Dramatic Yang) as your foundation, and adding your feminine magnetism (Romantic Yin) as an afterthought that is more like the icing on your cake! Both sides, in the proper order, are vital for us to appreciate your truly unique nature.
Without the visual expression of your bold Yang as the basis of your look (strong outlines, geometry, and creative flair), your feminine side will seem silly and superficial-to the point of "ditzy"! Also, physically, you'll appear oversized and awkward if we leave out the bold sweep and flamboyance of your clothing.
On the other hand, without the extra touches of the lavish, the ornate, the soft and the polished (which is your extra Yin), your artistry, charm, and radiance will be overwhelmed with starkness. This result will rob you totally of the magnetic pull that is so attractive and appealing. Physically, removing the softness and the glamour leaves your body type looking lumpy, while your lovely face with its full features becomes blowsy. Your diva-esque essence is awe-inspiring, thrilling and deeply inspirational to everyone lucky enough to come into contact with you.
The following list is meant to help give you a clearer picture of what a Soft Dramatic can be when she is visually defined. It is not meant to suggest that the ladies included always dress to their best advantage, so please be careful when you view pictures of them. Because each human being is truly an individual, all Soft Dramatics have unique qualities that set them apart from everyone else! Therefore, concentrate on discovering the continuity that ties these celebrities together. I think you'll find that they each share a very bold and sensual physical beauty, combined with an air of exotic mystery and a powerful intoxicating essence.
Soft Dramatic celebrities:
Sophia Loren, Anne Bancroft, Maria Callas, Raquel Welch, Ava Gardner, Barbra Streisand, Anita Morris, Jaqueline de Ribes, Diahann Carroll, Marlene Dietrich, Connie Selleca.
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