вторник, 19 июня 2018 г.

Тест на определение типажа по Дэвиду Кибби

июня 19, 2018 0

Тест по Дэвиду Кибби

Ян и Инь: драматик Лорен Бэкол и романтик Мэрилин Монро

Bone Structure

My vertical line is (not your height; we're looking for how tall you
appear to be):

a. Long (People always think I'm taller than I really am.)
b. Moderately Long (People sometimes guess I'm slightly taller, but not
by very much.)
c. Moderate (People usually guess my height correctly, or aren't at all
surprised by it)
d. Smallish (People usually guess I'm slightly smaller, and my curvy
figure is more noticeable than my height.)
e. Petite (It's very obvious to everyone that I am small in stature.)

The shape of my shoulders is best described as:

a. Narrow, sharp
b. Broad, blunt
c. Symmetrical, even
d. Sloped, but tapered
e. Sloped and rounded

The length of my arms and legs are best described as:

a. Elongated, narrow
b. Elongated, broad
c. Moderate, in even proportion to my height and upper torso
d. Small, slightly shortish
e. Small, very short in proportion to my height and upper torso

The size and shape of my hands and feet are best described as:

a. Long and narrow
b. Large and broad
c. Moderate, neither long, broad, delicate nor small
d. Small, narrow, delicate
e. Small and slight wide

Body Type (Flesh)

The overall shape of my body is best described as:

a. Long, lean, sinewy
b. Broad, tending toward muscular
c. Symmetrical, evenly proportioned
d. Very shapely, a delicate hourglass
e. Very soft, lushly curved, a ripe hourglass

My bustline/torso is best described as:

a. Flat, taut (I never seem to add flesh here, even when I'm
b. Wide, broad (I tend to add a little flesh here when overweight, but
not much
c. Moderate, in even proportion to my waist and hips
d. Shapely, curved, more prominent than my wasitline (My torso is
slightly short and I add flesh here, when overweight.)
e. Very prominent, lushly curved (Whether I'm thin or heavy, I'm always

My waistline is best described as:

a. Elongated, but boyishly tapered (This is true even when I'm
b. Elongated, but tends to be very straight (if thin) or thick (if
c. Moderate, slightly defined, but not overly cinched
d. Very small, in proportion to my bust and hips
e. Softly defined, but tends to be slightly wide

My hipline could best be described as:

a. Tapered, straight, and boyishly narrow (However, I do tend to
thicken here when I'm overweight.)
b. Straight, slightly tapered, and slightly wide (Excess weight always
seems to collect at my hips.)
c. Moderate, in even proportion to my bust and wasitline
d. Shapely and rounded, more pronounced than my waistline
e. Extremely soft and rounded, whatever my weight

The flesh on my upper arms and thighs could best be described as:

a. Long, lithe, and sinewy
b. Elongated and tending toward muscular
c. Moderate, neither extremely soft nor extremely muscular or sinewy
d. Soft, slightly short
e. Very soft, slightly wide and fleshy

 Facial Bones

The shape of my jawline is best described as:

a. Sharp, either very prominent, very pointed, or very square
b. Broad or blunt, slightly wide
c. Moderate, symmetrical; neither wide, sharp, nor rounded
d. Delicate, tapered, or slightly narrow
e. Rounded or softly wide

The shape of my nose is best described as:

a. Sharp or prominent
b. Broad or blunt, but on the large side, possibly wide
c. Moderate, symmetrical, neither overly large nor overly rounded
d. Delicate, tapered, narrow
e. Rounded or softly wide

The shape of my cheekbones is best described as:

a. High, prominent like
b. Wide
c. Symmetrical, moderate
d. Delicate, narrow, slightly rounded
e. Rounded

Facial Features

The shape of my eyes is best described as:

a. Narrow, straight, closely spaced, or almond-shaped
b. Narrow, straight, widely spaced
c. Evenly spaced, symmetrical, moderate size
d. Rounded, slightly close together, possibly slightly almond-shaped or up-turned
e. Very round and very large

The shape of my lips is best described as:

a. Straight, narrow, sometimes described as "thin-lipped"
b. Straight, strong, slightly broad, but not full
c. Moderate, evenly shaped, neither straight nor overly full
d. Slightly full and rounded
e. Very full, very rounded, and very luscious

The flesh on my cheekbones could best be described as:

a. Taut and flat, even when overweight
b. Fairly taut, but I do tend to get a little "puffy" when I put on weight
c. Moderate, soft, but not puffy
d. Soft and fleshy, and may be extremely full with excess weight
e. Very soft, very fleshy, very round, even when I'm at my thinnest


a. Extremely finely textured (silky-smooth), either straight or with a slight bend
b. Strongly textured (coarse, heavy, either thick and straight or wavy/curly
c. Moderate texture, slightly wavy or with a bend
d. Moderately thick, with bend, wave, or curl
e. Extremely thick, with lots of wave or curl (with a soft surface)

Ян и Инь: драматик Лорен Бэкол и романтик Мэрилин Монро

Ваш типаж:

How to interpret your results:


Dominant answers in column A:

Extreme, sharp Yang - Dramatic


Dominant answers in column B:

Soft Yang - Natural


Dominant answers in column C:

Balanced between the extremes - Classic


Dominant answers in column E:

Extreme, soft Yin - Romantic


If answers are an even mixture of the extreme opposites of column A and column E:

Combination of opposites - Gamine

A, немного E

If answers are dominant column A, with several answers in column E as a strong secondary force:

Bold Yang with a pronounced Yin undercurrent - Soft Dramatic

Note: To qualify for this theme, your bone structure should be Yang-dominant while your body type (flesh) and/or your facial features should be primarily Yin.

E+D, немного A

If your answers are dominant column E and/or column D, with several answers in column A as a secondary force:

Soft Yin with a slight Yang undercurrent - Theatrical Romantic

Note: To qualify for this theme, your body type (flesh) and your facial features should be Yin-dominant while your bone structure should be slightly Yang-influenced.

C + A/B

If your answers are dominant column C, with several other answers in columns A and/or B:

Balanced, with a Yang influence - Dramatic Classic

Note: To qualify for this theme, your body type (flesh) and features should be primarily balanced between the extremes of Yin and Yang while your bone structure should be more Yang-influenced.

C + D/E

If your answers are dominant column C, with several answers in columns D and/or E:

Balanced, with a Yin influence - Soft Classic

Note: To qualify for this theme, your bone structure should be primarily balanced between the extremes of Yin and Yang while your body type and facial features should be more Yin-influenced.

B, немного A

If your answers are dominant column B, with several answers from column A:

Strong Yang with blunt edges - Flamboyant Natural

Note: To qualify for this theme, your bone structure should be extremely Yang-dominant while your body type (flesh) and facial features will be moderately Yang-dominant.

B + D/E

If your answers are dominant column B, with several answers from columns D and/or E:

Soft Yang, with a Yin undercurrent - Soft Natural

Note: To qualify for this theme, your bone structure should be moderately Yang-dominant while your body type and facial features will be Yin-influenced.

A+E, немного B

If your answers have nearly an equal mixture of opposite extremes from columns A and E, while you also have several answers in column B: Combination of opposites, extra Yang - Flamboyant Gamine

Note: To qualify for this theme, your bone structure and body type (flesh) should be Yang-dominant while your features and stature are Yin-dominant. Your facial bones will be from the strong, Yang side.

A+E, немного D

If your answers have nearly an equal mixture of opposite extremes from columns A and E, yet you also have several extra answers in column D:

Combination of opposites, extra Yin - Soft Gamine

Note: To qualify for this theme, your bone structure should be Yang- dominant while your body type (flesh) should be Yin-dominant. Your facial features should be extremely Yin-dominant.

Ян и Инь: драматик Лорен Бэкол и романтик Мэрилин Монро

воскресенье, 10 июня 2018 г.

Описания типов по Кибби

июня 10, 2018 0

Описания типов по Кибби

1. Dramatic
Regal Lady

Extreme Yang with sharp edges

Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: extreme, sharp Yang.

2. Soft Dramatic
Diva Chic

Bold Yang with a pronounced Yin undercurrent. Yang is dominant; Yin is secondary.

Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: bold Yang with a pronounced Yin undercurrent. Physically, your bone structure is large and angular (Yang), but it is softened by a fleshy body type and full facial features, particularly evident in your large eyes, and full lips (Yin). Innately, you are bold, charismatic, and creative (Yang), while at the same time you are also sensual, charming, and receptively accommodating (Yin). Overall, Yang is definitely dominant; Yin is secondary. Both are present in your essence, and both must be visually expressed for your appearance to be accurate and exciting. Just make sure you keep them in proper order.

3. Flamboyant Natural
Free Spirit Chic

Strong Yang with Blunt Edges (not sharp)

Natural with a Dramatic undercurrent

Physically, you are broad or long, and angular. Your features are prominent and strong, without being sharp or severe. Innately, you are bold, charismatic, innovative, creative, and impulsive, totally devoted to action. You are also open, warm, friendly, and not at all reserved-- very approachable.

4. Natural 
Girl Next Door Chic

Soft Yang (between the symmetrical balance of the Classic and the sharp-edged Yang of the Dramatic

The more moderate Yang side of the Yin/Yang scale, falling between the extreme, sharp Yang of the Dramatic and the balance of the Classic, is the Natural, characterized by straight and slightly muscular body type; and angular, but slightly broad bone structure; and angular, slightly wide facial features that tend to be blunt-edged (wide-spaced eyes; strong, straight lips; a blunt or slightly wide nose and jawline; and moderately angular cheekbones that tend toward width.)

5. Soft Natural
Fresh and Sensual Lady

Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: Soft Yang with a Yin undercurrent.

Natural with a Romantic undercurrent
Physically, you are basically angular in bone structure, although this is softened by a fleshy body type and full facial features (eyes, lips, cheeks).

6.  Classic
Sophisticated Lady

Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: balanced between the extremes (smooth and even).. You are a woman of elegance and tradition, refined.

Physically, your perfectly symmetrical bone structure and even, regular eatures capture your inner refinement and natural efficiency most effectively.

7. Dramatic classic
Tailored Chic

Yin/Yang Balance Balanced, with a Yang influence.

8. Soft classic 
Graceful Lady
Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: balanced, with a Yin influence.

Classic with a Romantic undercurrent.

9. Flamboyant Gamine
Sassy Chic

Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: combination of opposites, extra Yang.

Physically, you are Yang in shape (angular), Yin in size (your height). Both sides are important, but Yang is dominant.

Gamine with a Dramatic Undercurrent

10. Gamine
Piquant Chic

Combination of opposites: Yin in size, Yang in essence.

The final major spot on the Yin/Yang scale is the combination of opposites that represents the Gamine. Yin in size (petite), Yin in facial features (full and rounded), but Yang in body type (straight and narrow) and in bone structure (sharp and narrow). The Gamine is equal parts Yin and Yang, always maintaining a natural contradiction that is the basis for her physical makeup.

The other part of you that is physically Yin is your bone structure, which tends toward delicacy in terms of size (not shape). Your facial features, particularly your waiflike eyes, add yet another dash of Yin.

Your Yang physical elements begin with the shape of your bone structure and body type-both are angular, composed of straight lines. Because your bone structure is the physical framework upon which your clothing will hang, this Yang outline is as essential to you in your appearance as is your Yin delicacy.

11. Soft gamine
Spitfire Chic

Combination of opposites, extra Yin

Gamine with a Romantic undercurrent

12. Theatrical Romantic
Femme Fatale Chic

Romantic with a Dramatic undercurrent

Soft Yin with a slight Yang undercurrent.

13. Romantic
Dream spinner

Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: extreme soft Yin.

четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

Драматик: физический портрет

мая 10, 2018 0


Extreme Yang (sharp edges)

NOTE: The following information should be taken as a broad outline of what makes a Dramatic. It is the overall combination of strong, sharp physicality, a cool reserve, and charismatic power that creates this Image Identity category. Therefore, a slight deviation here or there is always possible and should not be worried over as long as no single factor upsets your extreme, sharp Yang balance.

Moderate to tall, usually 5 feet 5 inches and over.

Body type:
Straight and angular, may tend to long or sleek musculature (sinewy or lithe.)
Usually have long legs and arms.
Narrow in width.

Bone structure:
Anglular, with sharp edges.
Usually have square shoulders (may be narrow).
Hands and feet are usually long and narrow.
Facial bones are sharp or prominent (nose, jawline, cheekbones).
Sometimes, the bone structure is called "delicate" because of its narrowness. This is actually not true, for example length keeps it from being truly delicate. A more helpful description would be "sleek."

Facial features:
Straight, sleek lines.
Sloe or almond eyes; narrow, thin or straight lips; taut skin, especially around the cheek and jaw areas.

Extreme texture.
Fine and silky, either poker-straight or with a bend.
Very coarse and curly or wavy (wild).

Any coloring is possible (warm or cool, high-contrast or blended), but a Dramatic is usually distinct, either very fair, very fiery, or very vivid.

If overweight:
Heaviness usually congregates around the hip and upper thigh area as opposed to the upper torso.

A Dramatic will not:

  • Have an hourglass figure
  • Have lush, full facial features (round eyes, fleshy cheeks, full lips)
  • Have a broad or blunt bone structure or facial bones
  • Be petite or extremely small in stature
  • Be perfectly symmetrical
  • Have short or fleshy arms and legs

Kibbe's prime Dramatic celebrity - Joan Crawford

Драматик: рекомендации

мая 10, 2018 0


Extreme Yang (sharp edges)

Shape is the key to your look. Whatever mood you want to express, in whatever situation your find yourself--work, play or glamour--keep your shapes sharp and geometric. Triangles, rectangles, and anything sculpted, sleek, and elongated with crisp edges.
Avoid: Anything rounded, swirled, or overly draped. Also, anything delicate intricate or overly fragile. Ornateness translates into "fussy" on you.

This goes hand-in-hand with your shape. Long, vertical lines are essential. Always straight, with elongated draping that is sleek, is your version of a "soft line".
Avoid: Soft, flowing lines (too matronly on you). Unconstructed silhouettes (sloppy on you). Broken or horizontal lines (not elegant enough for you).

Fabrics that hold a defined shape are necessary. Moderate to heavyweights are best, with a matte finish and smooth surface. Textures should be tightly woven and shiny fabrics should be very stiff and ultraglitzy. Italian tweeds, thick gabardines, twills, faille, stiff brocades, and heavy satins are a few examples that will tailor best for you. Keep in mind, however, that occasionally lightweight fabrics can work, if they are extrastructured in the design of the garment.
Avoid: Overly sheer, lightweight fabrics that float. Also, in most cases clingy fabrics are extremely unsophisticated on you. In addition, extremely rough textures that are thick and heavy will overpower your sleek body.

Detail should always be clean and minimal to complement your sculpted, chiseled look. Bold, sweeping geometrics, angular shapes, and sharp edges are called for.
Include: Square, sharp shoulders (shoulder pads are esstential in every garment you own, without exception)
Clean, angular necklines (plunging V's, skinny turtlenecks, high Mandarins, slashed collars, halters, man-tailored, etc.)
Anything tailored (crisp cuffs, sharp pleats, sharp lapels, etc.)
Avoid: Small, fussy detail. Overly ornate or intricate detail (ruffles, lacy frills, feathers, frou-fou, bows, tucks, gathers). Overly unconstructed detail (sloppy necklines, shapeless or oversized sleeves, etc.).


Your look does not include an obvious use of separates; keep individual pieces blending together in an artful way for elegance. You are striving for a head-to-toe ensemble effect, not the "mix 'n match" approach!
Jackets: Jackets should always be tailored and sculpted, with very defined shoulders. Generally they should be long (ending at the mid-thigh area), although a very sleek, Italian-style might be cropped (be sure this has an extremely sculpted, streamlined shape). Double-breasted could be another choice.
Avoid: Overly flouncy jackets with peplums, nipped-in waists, and fussy touches such as shoulder tucks, ornate buttons, and tapered sleeves. Overly shapeless and boxy jackets.
Skirts: Should be straight and long. Minimum length: two inches below the knee; maximum length: as long as you dare! The only flared skirt you successfully wear is one with the middle section (from waist to knee) sleek and straight, with the bottom piece flaring our gently. Likewise, all pleats should be stitched down through the hip area.
Avoid: Full skits, gathered waists, draped and shirred shapes.
Pants: Should always be straight and man-tailored. Deep pleats are a good touch, as is a long hem, gently breaking the shoe.
Avoid: Drapey and clingy pants that taper at the ankle. Oversized, baggy shapes.
Blouses: Tailored and sleek-never flouncy or frilly or oversized and shapeless.

Sweaters: Lightweight, elegant knits. Skinny, ribbed knits. Long cardigans or pullovers with sharp shoulders.

 Dresses should be elongated and sleek, the more tailored the better. Again, sharp shoulders are essential. Coatdresses, chemises, and very narrow bias-cuts work well. Waist emphasis is reserved for use with very wide, geometric belts. Dropped waists and no-waist styles are elegant when the shape is kept narrow.
Avoid: All flouncy styles with flowing silhouettes, fitted waists, and fussy necklines. Shapeless, unconstructed styles.

Always think "head-to-toe" with your color schemes.
The deepest colors that complement your coloring are best. Dark neutrals are especially effective, and color combinations should be bold, but elegant. Combining bright shades with dark shades achieves this with ease. Pastels can be stunning if you create an entire ensemble. All monochromatic schemes are excellent.
Avoid: Multicolor splashes and a mix 'n match approach to color.

Prints should be bold and geometric; stripes, zigzags, asymmetrics, and irregular shapes. Bold color combinations and high-contrast blends work best. Think "Picasso," and strive for a contemporary feeling.
Avoid: Watercolor print, florals, soft swirls, and overly "cute" animated styles. Small, symmetrical prints are also to be avoided.

All accessories should be crisp, sharply tailored and angular with geometric shapes. Keep everything sleek and contemporary in feeling.

Shoes: Should be tailored and angular. High, straight heels, crisp soles, and elegantly tapered toes.

Bags: Should be crisp and geometric. Angular envelopes, clutches, or structured briefcases.

Belts: Should be bold and wide. Leather will be stiff and shaped. Metal belts will be sculpted and quite large. Buckles are always geometric/asymmetric. Hip belts for dropped waists are best.

Hats: Should be crisp and geometric and man-tailored with wide brims and sharp edges.

Jewelry: Should always be sleek and elegant, with an emphasis on bold, modern shapes. Thin, sharp pieces are good choices, as are avant-garde works of art. Asymmetrical shapes work well and pieces should be large, but on overly bulky.
Avoid: Delicate, antique jewelry. Extra-glitzy costume jewelry. Heavy chunky ethnic pieces. Small, symmetrical pieces.

Geometric shapes. Elongated vertical lines. Hard metallic fabrics. Smooth fabric. Sculpted trim. Angular necklines. Should emphasis.
Slinky sheaths
Tailored dinner suits
Long gowns with sharp shoulders, halter necklines, and jackets
Evening pants with tailored jackets

Hair should always be sleek and sculpted, usually swept off the face to emphasize your chiseled bone structure. The shape is always geometric.

Avoid. Overly soft, coiffed, or wispy hair (there is nothing more aging for you than this look!) Soft hair hanging in or covering your face (fluffy bangs, feathery sides, etc.)

Makeup should emphasize your angles and chiseled features. A
high-contrast look is best with smoky eyes, contoured cheeks, and deep lips played against a background of neutral skin.
Avoid: An overly soft, "watercolor" effect (it will be unsophisticated as well as very aging and matronly.

Should be vivid and distinct whatever the hue (blond, brown, red, or black) or intensity (light, medium, dark) You do not highlight well because this process mutes the intensity and results in a washed-out look. Never try to "soften" your haircolor. This is the single most damaging thing you can do to your look, and it will be extremely aging on you. Overall color processes are best for the rich type of color you need.

Драматик: эссенс

мая 10, 2018 0


Prime Celebrity Example: Joan Crawford

Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: extreme, sharp Yang. You are a woman of majesty and mystery, a striking and imposing figure capable of inspiring awe by merely entering a room. Bold and charismatic, you were born to lead. The world listens to you with respect. Your opinions carry great weight with others simply because they come from you!

Your energy is direct and forceful, not in a harsh or dictatorial manner, but simply strong and clear. It's second nature to you to exert authority, and you can bet that if there's a crisis, you'll find yourself automatically assuming control. Your strong sense of truth, paired with your ability to see straight to the bottom of all matters, easily bypassing any surface subterfuge, is the hallmark of your very soul!

As soon as we realize the depth of your intelligence, we are most eager to follow you "straight into the cannon's mouth," if necessary! Such is the charisma you are capable of exuding. The world is constantly on the lookout for heroes, and you, my dear friend, seem to be the very personification of the word!

Others may sometimes view you as somewhat cool and aloof with nerves of steel. Nothing fazes you -- or so it seems. That's why we are so ready to hand over power and responsibility to you on a silver platter! You'e a natural to be the head of anything -- a department, a corporation, a law firm, a small business, or even a country! (Don't be surprised if the first female president is a Dramatic!) You need to be in a situation where you can exert your natural sense of power with ease, and where your original views are able to flourish into the dynamic source of energy they truly are.

It's also likely you'll find yourself in the role of producer in one way or another. This could happen literally in the worlds of film, television, or theater or you could simply find yourself serving as chairwoman of every organization, charity, or benefit that can rope you in! Whatever your field, your career has the potential of being glorious and ground-breaking. Since stereotypes crimp your free-wheeling style, you're bound to break all the rules whenever you find yourself toiling.

For this last reason, you may ultimately find you're happiest and most fulfilled when you either own our own business or work at a company that gives you a great deal of freedom and responsibility, as well as room to create and implement. Risk-taking is an integral part of your basic nature. You are capable of making multimillion-dollar decisions without batting an eyelash while others would be reaching frantically for their ulcer medicine.

In the area of entertaining, you tend to go for the "all or nothing" school of partying. A soiree at your place will always have a theme, even if it's not announced to your guests. You're just the type to host a dinner/dance in your penthouse apartment and request that everyone wear only silver and white. As the guests arrive, they'll enter through billowy yards of sheer, gauzy linen covering everything in sight as if they'd stepped into a Salvador Dali-inspired Moroccan fantasy! As they proceed onto your terrace, the vision becomes even more surreal, with silver-sprayed palms, glittering cages of creamy-turtledoves cooing gently, and profusions of imported lilies dotting the landscape. The entire scenario was designed simply to cool and soothe the spirit on a sultry summer's eve!

Chances are, if you don't have the time or inclination to put the effort into creating a truly memorable evening, you'll choose not to entertain! You'd rather take your friends to a favorite bistro than slap together an evening without utilizing your total creativity and inspiration. That's the fun part about it for you in the first place!

An interesting side note to your very visible drive, ambition, and power is the fact that you are an extremely private person as well. Sometimes the world mistakes your natural reserve for haughtiness, which always surprises you, and comes as a bit of a painful jolt. You think of yourself as merely intensely contemplative -- "so where's the crime?"

To others, however, you run the risk of seeming imperially superior and narcissistic if you don't remember to include us in your presence. We are so intrigued by your mystery that things which seem insignificant to you are magnified to us. Gestures as simple as a kind glance, a smile, or a word of praise can take away any brusqueness or self-righteousness on your part, and tell us that you do, indeed, value our addition to your life. It's truly unfair for you to be reacted to as if you are cold, for you are excruciatingly sensitive!

You never accept things at face value, or for the sake of mere tradition. You are willing to tackle the seemingly insurmountable without giving it a second thought as soon as you are convinced you you have discovered a better way. You are progressive in thought, always searching for growth, whether it be financial, social, intellectual, or spiritual. "Onward and upward!" is your battle cry, and "forward motion" your constant direction. Streamlined and efficient, you are the epitome of the Contemporary Woman. Only in recent history have you emerged in all your glory.

Physically, you are like an art deco building, smooth, sleek, urbane, and utterly sophisticated. Your sharp angles and chiseled features are the outer manifestations of your strength, charisma, and powerful energy. As physically imposing as a statue of a Greek Goddess, you have been given the most Yang of physical gifts so the world can clearly appreciate your dynamic nature.

To express your extreme, sharp Yang total essence, we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as: Regal Lady.

By showcasing your extreme, sharp Yang in all the elements of your appearance, we are striving to fully express your total majesty. Geometric shapes are the key to visually capturing your essence in your appearance. Everything that goes into creating your look should take its cue from your powerful inner energy and angular physical form -- from the sleek shape of your geometric hairstyle, to the sculpted contours of your high-contrast makeup, to the architecturally sharp silhouette of your clothing and accessories.

The result? Your charisma and power are clearly expressed in the most natural, seamless manner possible. Not only have you become the most stunning and striking woman you can be, you have also expressed your heart and soul in your appearance. And indeed, my dear, regal, charismatic, statuesque Dramatic friend, that is the very point of your metamorphosis! You are truly an original masterpiece, as priceless as a Picasso. When you are on display in all your natural Dramatic glory, the world values you as the majestic work of art you truly are!


The following list is meant to help give you a clearer picture of what a Dramatic can be when she is visually defined. It is not meant to suggest that the women included always dress to their best advantage, so please be careful when you view pictures of them. Because each human being is truly an individual, all Dramatics have unique qualities that set them apart from everyone else. Therefore, concentrate on discovering the continuity that ties these celebrities together. I think you'll find they each share a stunning and majestic physical beauty (made up of a sharp physicality) combined with a very bold and charismatic inner power.

Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo, Lana Turner (была по ошибке, убрали), Lauren Bacall, Rosalind Russell, Lena Horne, Alexis Smith, Katharine Hepburn, Maggie Smith, Faye Dunaway, Kathleen Turner, Jamie Lee Curtis, Barbara Carrera, Connie Selleca, Sheryl Lee Ralph.

Все официально типированные Кибби звезды

Софт драматик: рекомендации

мая 10, 2018 0

Soft Dramatic

Bold Yang with a pronounced Yin undercurrent. Yang is dominant; Yin is secondary.

Bold geometrics with soft edges. Oversized ornate shapes.
Avoid: Sharp-edged geometrics. Small, delicate shapes. Symmetrical shapes.

"T" silhouette: broad shoulders with an elongated vertical that is draped. Bold, sweeping lines. Draped, flowing lines.
Avoid: Stiffly tailored lines. Broken, staccato lines. Overly fitted, fussy silhouettes. Wide, shapeless silhouettes.

Lightweight fabrics that drape easily and flow gracefully (silks, crepe, challis, handkerchief linen, jersey). Soft and plush textures with a deep pile. Shiny fabrics.
Avoid: Heavy fabrics that create a stiff shape. Rough textures.

Bold, oversized, and ornate. Broad shoulders (pads with soft edges are best). Soft, draped necklines (may be high or plunging). Lavish trim (beading, applique, oversized bows and jabots, deep and soft pleats of folds, etc.)

Avoid: Small, delicate detail. Sharp, severe, or crisp detail. Minimal, simple, or plain detail. Symmetrical detail.


Your separates should artfully blend lush textures, rich colors, and luxurious prints, so your elongated line will not be disrupted. You are always striving for a head-to-toe "ensemble" effect, never a mix-and-match look!

Jackets: Broad shoulders, long lines (mid-thigh area). Lightweight, draped fabrics. Lightly structured or unconstructed. Soft draped detail (lapels, pockets, etc.)
Avoid: Stiffly tailored jackets with sharp edges. Traditional blazer jackets. Short, cropped jackets. Delicate, fitted, or fussy jackets.

Skirts: Skirts should be straight, long (mid calf) and draped. Short skirts (knee length) may be paired with a long jacket, sweater or top. Detail should be elongated (shirring, soft folds and slits)
Avoid: Full skirts except on certain dresses (see dress category). Wide, unconstructed skirts. A-lines and sharp pleats. Overly fussy and fitted skirts with delicate detail (gathers, tucks, etc.; plackets, etc.)

Pants: Pants should be straight, long, and draped. Detail should be soft and elongated (deep pleats, shirring, softly draped cuffs, pockets, etc.)
Avoid stiffly tailored pants. Wide, unconstructed or baggy shapes. Overly delicate detail (pegged legs, fussy gathers, small trim, etc.)

Blouses: Blouses should be soft and draped with broad shoulders and draped necklines and sleeves. Detail should be elongated and soft. Ornate detail should be very oversized and lush (large bows, or jabots, sheer lacy trim or sparkly applique). Fabrics should be lightweight, very soft, or very shiny.
Avoid: Sharply tailored blouses. Plain blouses. Delicate, fussy blouses. Wide, unconstructed or shapeless blouses.

Sweaters: Soft and clingy knits with draped necklines. Plush knits. Draped knits. Broad shoulders and an elongated waist. Oversized patterns or trim, especially ornate or sparkly.
Avoid: Rough and heavy knits. Skinny, ribbed knits. Short styles, including crewnecked, shetlands, cardigans, and cropped sweaters. Wide, unconstructed styles. Overly delicate, fussy trim. Overly fitted styles.

Dresses should be elongated and draped, with broad shoulders. Detail should be oversized and ornate (shirring, trim, etc.). A dropped waist is best on dresses, but an exaggerated waist is also effective when combined with very broad shoulders and a full, sweeping skirt. Narrow, clingy shapes are basic.
Avoid: Sharply tailored dresses. Shapeless, unconstructed, or wide styles. Flouncy styles with delicate or fussy detail. Overly fitted and nipped styles.

Your use of color should always be bold and dramatic, never dull. You shine in original color combinations that emphasize bright/dark mixtures. Pastels can be extremely elegant if your execute them in head-to-toe sweeps. Monochromatic schemes will generally require some vivid accenting in the accessory department.
Strive for a very polished, ensemble approach to your use of a palette.
Avoid: Multicolor splashes and mix 'n match approach.

Bold, wild, and ornate shapes. Splashy watercolors. Oversized and abstract florals. Animal prints. Irregular shapes with soft or rounded edges.
Avoid: Sharp geometrics. Small, symmetrical prints. Delicate, fussy prints. Animated, "cute" prints.

Shoes: Tailored and angular with tapered toe and heel. High, narrow heels are best. Bare styles also excellent.
Avoid: Chunky styles. Overly delicate styles with excess trim.

Bags: Softly rounded shapes in over-sized styles. Exquisite leather or fabric. Very slim briefcases. Ultraornate evening styles.
Avoid: Plain, symmetrical bags and small, delicate styles.

Belts: Should be bold and wide, of supple leather or special fabric, with large and ornate buckles.

Hats: Should always be theatrical and glamorous, emphasizing rounded shapes and ornate trim. Should be large and oversized.

Hoisery: Keep you stockings ultra-sheer. Your strong vertical line is best emphasized by blending with both your hemline and your shoe. Always blend with the shoe. Very lacy or ornate textures are wonderful for evening.

Jewlery: Should always be large, bold and ornate. Bold geometric shapes with soft edges. Oversized, ornate shapes. All sparkly, glittery, and shiny finishes are excellent. Wild costume jewelry that is obviously faux.
Avoid: Sharp geometrics. Simple, symmetrical pieces. Delicate, antique pieces. Rough, chunky pieces. A "no jewelry" look.


Clingy shapes. Shoulder emphasis. Cleavage emphasis. Soft, draped fabric. Glitzy fabric. Ornate and oversized trim.
  • Draped gowns
  • Form-fitting gowns with shoulder emphasis and cleavage
  • Shirred cocktail dresses with big shoulders
  • Oversized dinner suits with elaborate trim.

Should always be lavish and full-looking. Elaborate coiffures and fantasy styles work well. The shape should be bold (either geometric or asymmetric), but softened with curls, waves, or partial layering. Hair must always look sophisticated and well cared for, but should also be soft and sensual, not stiff.
Teasing, setting, waving, and perms are all possible choices for you.
Avoid: Sharp geometric cuts. Symmetrical, blunt-edge styles. "Wash 'n wear" styles that are unfinished-looking. Overly delicate or wispy styles.

Should be rich, bold, and vivid. If you choose an artificial color, it should be strong and dramatic-blue-black, fiery red, platinum, or bright yellow-blond.
Highlighting should be dramatically streaked. If your hair grays in a theatrical fashion, you can emphasize it through directing the streaks in bold sweeps.
The richer your haircolor looks, the better.
Avoid: Subtle highlights or delicate lightening of the hair.

Should be lavish and ornate, even for daytime. A very polished face is part of your everyday look. In the evening, pour on the glitz! Bold eyes, with a touch of bright color. Full, vivid lips and strong cheeks.

Софт драматик: эссенс

мая 10, 2018 0

Софт драматик: эссенс

Soft Dramatic

Your position on the Yin/Yang scale is: bold Yang with a pronounced Yin undercurrent. Physically, your bone structure is large and angular (Yang), but it is softened by a fleshy body type and full facial features, particularly evident in your large eyes, and full lips (Yin). Innately, you are bold, charismatic, and creative (Yang), while at the same time you are also sensual, charming, and receptively accommodating (Yin). Overall, Yang is definitely dominant; Yin is secondary. Both are present in your essence, and both must be visually expressed for your appearance to be accurate and exciting. Just make sure you keep them in proper order.

You will definitely want to read both the Dramatic and the Romantic sections of this book, and you will find yourself identifying at times with elements of each. However, please remember, you are not an equal combination of the two categories.

Always bear in mind that you are a Dramatic first and foremost! Your Romantic undercurrent should be used in small doses to soften the overall effect of your appearance in a sensual and glamour manner. It is not a substitution. It is an addition to express that extra bit of Yin present in your being.

To express your bold Yang/extra Yin total essence, we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as Diva Chic.

Your silhouette is bold and sweeping composed of strong geometric outlines that are softened by narrowly draped and flowing lines. Your accessories and detail are oversized and ultraornate. Shoulders should always be strong and broad, and there should be an emphasis on a strong vertical line, head-to-toe. A "T" silhouette is your most successful basic statement. An important addition to this outline is your use of lightweight fabrics. Heavyweights will be stiff and unbending on you, and when they are executed in the shapes you wear, they will completely overwhelm you and seem quite graceless.

On the other hand, draped jerseys, silks, challis, crepes, etc., will provide the softening that your secondary Yin streak demands. They also add a sensual touch to your appearance that provides subtle elegance. The draping is essential to expressing your inner qualities as well as complementing your body type. It is a must!

Detail should always be flamboyant, lavish, and oversized. Simplicity, understatement, and uncluttered edges are not terms that are applicable to you! While they are positive additions to someone else, on you they read dull, boring, dowdy, and extremely unsophisticated. Your elegance comes from a vivid expression of your extraordinary charisma and passion. Lapels are over-sized and soft. Necklines are extreme-the lows are plunging, the highs rise majestically. Cowls are superdraped, pleats are deep and soft, and slits are definitely noticeable! Also, any trim such as bows, ruffles, lace, or sparkly appliques should be dramatic, oversized, and enormously voluptuous. You are not the type for delicacy. Femininity on you is best expressed by the theatrical woman; sensual and ripely glamorous, executed with bold, innovative flair!

Likewise, your accessories, hair, and makeup must all provide the lavish edge your Yin/Yang balance requires to be completely fulfilled. Jewelry is absolutely your best friend! Here again, the emphasis goes to the bold, the oversized, and the ornate. Anything that sparkles, gleams, or shines works wonders for you!

That could be as simple as an oversized chunk of elegant metal or a brightly colored glass as an earring for a conservative daytime outfit-or, for evening fun, something as glamorous as an enormous color of faux jewels that drips with dazzle all across your breastbone. Basic shapes are large and chunky geometrics, with ornate workmanship, lavish execution, and added sparkle for pizzazz.

A word of caution in the jewelry department: This is another area where "tone-down" wont work in your favor! Even in the most conservative office environment imaginable, you've got to suggest a touch of glamour. Your Image Identity is so boldly expressed that you'll lose your sophistication without doing so. Without the proper accessories, you run the risk of looking as if you're wearing your older sister's clothing, without quite knowing how to pull it together! Accessories add the extra touches to provide the security and confidence in your appearance that says: "I know exactly who I am, and what I'm doing!" True, it's not exactly everyone else's look, but then, just remember, a diva is not a member of the chorus!

Hair and makeup must also fall in line with your accessories, both requiring a very polished and sophisticated look. Hair should be well-cared for, in a flamboyant coiffure or superstylized cut. A geometic outline is best, although it will require an elaborate set and a cloud of teasing within the shape for fullness and soft drama. Asymmetrical cuts can also work as long as there are no severe edges. The angles need softening with waves, which make perms and processing very effective on you, if necessary.

Makeup should emphasize strong eyes and cheeks, and luscious lips. Bold color choices give drama, while a watercolor blend of no sharp angles is the correct style. Avoid smoky colors, neutrals, and minimal makeup. They don't add enough polish to effectively complete your head-to-toe look. Instead of being subdued and elegant, they just look tired and ineffectual. As with your jewelry and detail, the proper use of hair and makeup will pull your appearance together and provide the extreme sophistication and confidence your image needs.

This is the best way for the world to see your arresting combination of strength, power, passion, and magnetic charm. The key to clearly expressing your total essence in your appearance is by focusing on your strength (Dramatic Yang) as your foundation, and adding your feminine magnetism (Romantic Yin) as an afterthought that is more like the icing on your cake! Both sides, in the proper order, are vital for us to appreciate your truly unique nature.

Without the visual expression of your bold Yang as the basis of your look (strong outlines, geometry, and creative flair), your feminine side will seem silly and superficial-to the point of "ditzy"! Also, physically, you'll appear oversized and awkward if we leave out the bold sweep and flamboyance of your clothing.

On the other hand, without the extra touches of the lavish, the ornate, the soft and the polished (which is your extra Yin), your artistry, charm, and radiance will be overwhelmed with starkness. This result will rob you totally of the magnetic pull that is so attractive and appealing. Physically, removing the softness and the glamour leaves your body type looking lumpy, while your lovely face with its full features becomes blowsy. Your diva-esque essence is awe-inspiring, thrilling and deeply inspirational to everyone lucky enough to come into contact with you.

The following list is meant to help give you a clearer picture of what a Soft Dramatic can be when she is visually defined. It is not meant to suggest that the ladies included always dress to their best advantage, so please be careful when you view pictures of them. Because each human being is truly an individual, all Soft Dramatics have unique qualities that set them apart from everyone else! Therefore, concentrate on discovering the continuity that ties these celebrities together. I think you'll find that they each share a very bold and sensual physical beauty, combined with an air of exotic mystery and a powerful intoxicating essence.

Soft Dramatic celebrities:

Sophia Loren, Anne Bancroft, Maria Callas, Raquel Welch, Ava Gardner, Barbra Streisand, Anita Morris, Jaqueline de Ribes, Diahann Carroll, Marlene Dietrich, Connie Selleca.

Все официально типированные Кибби звезды

Софт драматик: физический портрет

мая 10, 2018 0


Dramatic with a Romantic undercurrent

NOTE: The following information should be taken as a broad outline of what makes a Soft Dramatic. It is the overall combination of bold Yang with a pronounced Yin undercurrent that creates this Image Identity category. Therefore, slight deviation here or there is always possible and should not be worried over if it does not upset your Yin/Yang balance of a bold, exotic physicality that is combined with a powerful sensual essence.

Moderate to tall, usually 5 feet 5 inches and over.

Body type:
Fleshy (unless ultra-thin), particularly through the bust and hip area. Usually have long legs and arms, which can become fleshy in the upper arm and thigh areas without exercise. Usually have moderate-sized waist, which can become thick.

Bone structure:
Large and angular. Long limbs, and large hands and feet (may be long or narrow, or wide). Facial bones are prominent or sharp (nose, cheekbones, jawline). If your bone sturcure is narrow (particularly the shoulders, hands, feet, wrists, or angles), you may think of yourself as delicate. This is not true, for the exteme length offsets the narrowness.

Facial features:
Full, lush, sensual, and exotic. Large eyes, full lips, fleshy cheeks.

Extreme textures. Coarse and wavy, or fine and silky (wispy).

Any coloring is possible (warm or cool, high-contrast or blended), but a Soft Dramatic is usually distinct, either fair, rich or vivid.

If overweight:
Heaviness is seen at the fleshiest parts of the body; the bust, hips, waist, thighs, upper arms, and especially in the face.

A Soft Dramatic will not:
  • Have a boyish figure 
  • Have small hands and feet, or a delicate bone structure
  • Be overly petite, or small in stature, with short limbs
  • Have delicate or small facial features
  • Be symmetrical in body type or facial characteristics

Kibbe's prime Soft Dramatic celebrity- Sophia Loren

Яркий натурал: рекомендации

мая 10, 2018 0
Shirley MacLaine


Strong Yang with Blunt Edges

No one will be identical in looks, but the similarities you share are in the soft blunted yang physical attributes. You also mentioned you have square shoulders.

For this category it states that texture in all weights from very light to very heavy is the most exciting way to express yourself through fabric. A rough surface is always preferable to a flat surface.

Very shiny fabrics are excellent for evening, if the weight is kept to the heavy side. All leathers, suedes, and plush fabrics are excellent.

Elongated vertical line with strong shoulders as the basis of your ensemble. Artfully mixing textures is especially effective.

Jackets should be long, unconstructed and loose. Length should be from top of the thigh down (never shorter). Monochromatic schemes tend to be a little dull on you, although you may want to go with one major color that is accentuated by another bright shade.

Shoes tailored and angular, but have soft edges instead of sharp ones.

Hair should be loose, relaxed and free. A tousled effect is best, so layering is always called for. If you hair is ultrafine, thin, and wispy, you look best with a shortish cut that is layered around the face to create the illusion of volume. The outline is geometric, but the edges are softened by the layering. If your hair is thick, you can opt for a wilder, "lion's mane" effect if you wish, but layering is still important.
Avoid: All severe geometrics. Blunt-edged symmetrical cuts. Boyishly cropped cuts. Overly ornate, teased or coiffed hair. Smooth sleek styles.

Skirts should be long and straight but not severe. Slits, pockets, kick pleats, plackets, etc., are good, but any draping or shirring should be kept low and loose (from the hips down), and no detail should ever inhibit mobility.
Short straight skirts are fun and funky -- but worn with oversized tops.

Hemlines are longish on straight skirts and should fall at the top of the calf of longer. Hemlines on full skirts are uneven and should be very long (bottom of the calf is the minimum length).

Lipsticks should usually be matte, although the lightest shades may have a slight frosting.

Dusty (also known as Summer) Lipstick: Deep Rose, Rosy Red, Soft Fuchsia to Medium Pink

Rich (also known as Autumn) Rich Copper to Mahogany, Tomato Red, Terra Cotta to Deep Honey Beige

Knits should be thick, rough, bulky, heavy, or ultraplush. Skinny and ribbed knits are possible in oversized garments. Loosely woven fabrics.
Avoid: Ultrasheer, flimsy, or clingy fabrics. Stiff, flat fabrics. Tightly woven fabrics. Delicate, shiny fabrics.

Necklines should be loose and open, always unconfined (boatnecks, camisoles, simple slashes, oversized cowls, open notched collars, etc.).

Waist should be elongated. A dropped waist does this best, although a "bloused-over" effect at the waist is also possible. Be very careful with waist emphasis. It is rarely helpful to you, even if your waist is small, because it destroys the strong, vertical line that is the core of your silhouette.

Gathers, folds, sashes, etc., should be ultra deep and long--asymmetrical in shape, and low on the body--preferably from the hips down.

Pleats should be soft, low, and deep (inverted or kick-style, or stitched down through the midsection).

Trim should be bold, oversized, and asymmetrical or clean and minimal.
Avoid: Sharp, tailored detail. Severe, geometric detail. Small, symmetrical detail. Ornate, intricate detail. Animated, "cute" detail (perky and crisp).

Pants: Pants should be roomy and full. Man-tailored styles that are slightly wide and relaxed in construction. Deep pleats, full pockets, and wide, soft cuffs are excellent detail, as are pocket-flaps and plackets. Satiny evening pants that are wide and full are also excellent.
Avoid: Sharply tailored and fitted pants. Overly draped pants with tapered legs.

Dresses: Dresses should be bold and sweeping. Broad shoulders and an elongated waist (usually dropped) are best. They are relaxed in outline and shape, and may be either very narrow and slinky or wide and full cut. Shirring, draping, applique, etc., should be kept low and exceuted in bold, abstract patterns.
Avoid: Flouncy dresses with excess detail and ornate, fussy trim. Severly tailored dresses. Overly fitted dresses with crisp or animated detail.

Regarding skirts: Avoid long, pencil-slim styles. Short symmetrical styles. Flouncy styles. Smooth, flared styles.

Blouses should be roomy and full with simple detail and relaxed construction. Wide and horizontal cuts with clean necklines that are unrestricted are best.
Camisoles are very useful under jackets.
Avoid: Severely tailored blouses. Overly fitted blouses. Overly ornate blouses with intricate or fussy detail. Blouses with high, stiff or constricted necklines.

Evening Wear: Bold shapes with sweeping lines. Shoulder emphasis. Easy necklines. Bold prints. Glitzy fabric. Smooth fabric. Slightly plush fabric.

Ultradrapable fabric (matte jersey, etc.) Either minimal detail or bold, broad detail.
Broad-shoulder gowns with dropped waists
Widely cut, unconstructed gowns of draped fabric (matte jersey, silk, etc.)
Evening pants ensembles (long, bed jackets with wide-legged satin pajama pants, etc.)
Bare gowns with bold jewelry
Evening sarongs
Evening caftans
Evening sweater dresses with glitz

Flamboyant Natural

Strong, straight bone structure that is elongated, wide, or broad; body type tends to muscular width or sinewy length; facial bones are strong and prominent but widely blunt or asymmetrical (not narrow and sharp); facial features are strong but narrow (not round and lush).

Prints should be bold and vivid, expressed in abstract geometrics, irregular shapes, or soft-edge asymmetrics. They should also have a blended edge as opposed to a sharp edge. Color combinations should be dramatically vivid, but the colors should fade into each other instead of being crisply defined. Wild animal prints, tropical prints, and any highly original motif that is both sophisticated and earthy, with a touch of wit, may all be used with ease.
Avoid: Sharp geometrics. Small symmetrical prints. Watercolor florals. Small, animated prints. Intricate or ornate prints.

Flamboyant Natural:

Separates are extremely exciting on you and should make up the bulk of your wardrobe. A mix-and-match effect is excellent, but be careful always to maintain an elongated vertical line with strong shoulders as the basis of your ensemble. Artfully mixing textures is especially effective.

Color: Your use of color should be bold and vivid, with rich, vibrant tones the most exciting intensities for you. Wild and unusual color combinations express your free spirit most effectively, although rich neutrals in those lush textures you wear so well are also nice, particularly if you use vivid accents.

Avoid: Multicolored splashes (too perky for you). Monochromatic schemes without vivid accessories. Dull colors unless they are executed in rich textures.

Shoes and bags, coming from the Yang side, should generally be angular. However, once again we want to avoid sharp edges and keep the detail minimal. Any unstructured shapes will always work best for you.

Your jewelry is one of the most important elements of your entire look. It shows your sophistication as well as giving you the chance to express your creativity. Bold, heavy pieces are essential to you. Chunky shapes that are thick, rough, or asymmetric are always necessary. "Wearable art" that looks as if you picked it up at an expensive gallery, or on a journey overseases, is excellent. (Anthing that seems as though it was designed by an artists, or creatively crafted, falls into this category as well.)
Your version of convervative jewelry is thick and chunky metal in irregular shapes or shoft-edged geometrics. Your version of glamourous jewelry is wildly executed "faux jewel" pieces--very sophiticated works of art! Funky costume jewelry is fun for you, but it's for your casual look. Just remember to keep it big and bold.
Avoid: Delicate, antique jewelry. Ornate, intricate jewelry. sharp-edged geometrics. Small, symmetrical pieces. "No jewelry" of minimal looks.

Texture, in all weights, from very light to very heavy, is the most exciting way to express yourself through fabric. A rough surface is always preferable to a flat surface.

Very shiny fabrics are excellent for evening, if the weight is kept to the heavy side (stiff satins, brocades, metallics, etc.). Daytime sheen should be in texture only (raw silk, shantung, etc.).

All leathers, suedes, and plush fabrics are excellent. Draped fabrics must be ultra-thick and heavy. Knits should be thick, rough, bulky, heavy, or ultra-plush. Skinny and ribbed knits are possible in overszied garments. Loosely woven fabrics.
Avoid: Ultra-sheer, flimsy, or clingy fabrics. Stiff, flat fabrics. Tightly woven fabrics.

Your makeup is the finishing touch for your look, providing the final bit of sophistication and the slightly exotic air for which you are famous.

Emphasize your strong bone structure and features with strongly accented cheekbones and a deep or bright lipstick. Exotic eyes with a touch of color (even a little sheer frost) will bring in the hint of drama that spells elegance on you. In the evening, you can go much more heavily into opaque frosts if you wish.

Also, always keep your lips sheer and glossy, even though you are using a strong color for the base. Blot, then coat with heavy gloss.

Avoid: Overly ornate makeup (too unsophisticated on you). Overly pastel makeup--especially a too-light lipcolor (too matronly on you). Overly smoky makeup (too stark on you). Neutrals, without a hint of colorful makeup (too dull and cold on you). No makeup or minimal effect (too tiring and aging on you).


Soft Yang with blunt edges (not sharp)


The Exotic Face (bold and fresh)

Strong color choices that are well-blended, and a very strongly defined shape, slightly sculpted but not sharp.


Eyes: Bold colors that are very blended. A deep lid color for strong shape and definition. Deep eyeliner, but very blended. Primarily matte shades.

Blush: Strong cheekbone line. Bold color. Slightly angular application, but with a soft edge to avoid sharpness.

Lips: Strong mouth with a deep lip color to balance eye and cheek. Slightly glossy.
Avoid: A too dull or too neutral face. An overly ornate face (with excess sparkle).



1. Rich Peach
2. Clear Red
3. Salmon Pink to Soft Coral Pink

1. Vivid Peach
2. Orange Red
3. Salmon Pink

Eyeshadow (Outer Lid/Orbital Bone/Highlighter):
1. Soft Olive/Jade/Gold
2. Teal/Turquoise/Peach
3. Soft Chestnut/Bright Copper/Yellow


1. Deep Rose
2. Rosy Red
3. Soft Fuchsia to Medium Pink

1. Strong Rose
2. Rosy Red
3. Dusty Fuchsia to Pink

Eyeshadow (Outer Lid/Orbital Bone/Highlighter):

1. Soft Navy/Medium Cobalt/Medium Pink
2. Charcoal/ Mauve/Pale Pink
3. Smoky Purple/Soft Fuchsia/Lavender


1. Rich Copper to Mahogany
2. Tomato Red
3. Terra Cotta to Deep Honey Beige

1. Deep Bronze
2. Bright Brick Red
3. Terra Cotta to Vivid Peach

Eyeshadow (Outer Lid/Orbital Bone/Highlighter):
1. Forest/Olive/Mustard
2. Deep Teal/Turquoise/Apricot
3. Sable/Copper/Yellow


1. Vivid Cranberry to Bold Plum
2. Deep Scarlet
3. Bright Fuchsia

1. Bold Cranberry
2. Deep Scarlet
3. Bright Fuchsia

Eyeshadow (Outer Lid/Orbital Bone/Highlighter):
1. Royal Purple/Bright Fuchsia/Pale Lavender
2. Black/Royal Blue/Medium Pink
3. Navy/Deep Violet/ Pale Pink


Lipsticks should usually be matte, although the lightest shades may have a slight frosting. Apply heavy gloss over the lipstick.

Eyeliner: Use the same tone as the lid color, but several shades deeper. Keep a strong definition.

Eyeshadows should generally be matte, with a smoky and dark outer lid color for a strong shape, a bold orbital bone color, and a rich highlighter. Iridescence should be confined to the highlighter.


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